Explicação, anotação:For loading and unloading of timbers: range of products,
Riding switches, sawn timbers, fire woods. Is placed on car frame
Ural type, zil, Mazama or stationary.
Descrição porminorizada da marca:The completing by the changeable load-handling devices is provided:
A) Í-25 grab bucket or Í-50 of jaw type for lifting of forest ìàòåðèà-
L (range of products, riding switches, fire woods, boards);
B) grab bucket ÃÓ-0. 3 for bulk materials (peat, sand, fertilizations);
Ñ) grasper for hay;
D) grab bucket for lifting of metal scrap and so forth materials;
E) hook assembly.
Optional may be assigned by other shift men
Of the mechanisms.
Technical data
Maximal departure of grasper
From pivot point of pillar, metal, no less than. 7, 0
Carrying capacity in case of maximal escape of grasper, kg. 1000
Rotation angle of ingot tipper in horizontal plane, with. 360
Rotation angle of ingot tipper, with. Full-slewing
Pump axial-piston. 310. 56
Working fluid pressure, atm. 180
Reservoir fluid capacity of hydraulic system, l. 110
Cross-section of grab bucket, kV. Metal. 0, 5
Mass design, kg, not more than. 200
Applied to oils: ÈÃÏ-30 TC. 38-101. 413
ÌÃÅ-46Â TC. 38-001. 347
È-30À state standard 20799
The ÌÓÃ-70 ingot tipper is placed on car frame of Ural, Kazakhs,
KAMAZ. May be positioned to others energetical means (glands
Íîäîðîæíûõ platforms, tractors of different modifications) or ñòàöèîíàð-
But. On ÌÓÃ-70 ingot tipper the full-slewing rotator, is used âûñî-
Êîêà÷åñòâåííàÿ import hydraulics. Robot design îáåñïå-
×èâàåò the wide operating possibilities and the reliability.
Hydraulics import. Guarantee and post-warranty maintenance. |