High of detergent power. Efficiently wash in cold water. The sex
íîñòüþ keeps its detergencies after long-time storage in ëþ
Bohm climatic conditions, is safe in use and possesses äåçèí
ôèöèðóþùèìè properties.
Condiciones de suministro:
Precios: de 19.04.2001 g. por vl
Precio al por mayor: 8.25 RUR(RUR) Precio al por menor: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Bottle volume of 500ìë. The bottles have been packed in ãîôðîêîðîáà and âûäå
ðæèâàþò stacking in 16 number of. One-pack 12 bottles
war gas. Living in another town clients dispatch all types of transport.
customs registration in case of deliveries abroad.
acts enrichment and seasonal discounts.
acts the bonuses system.