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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

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Envase, máquinas empaquetadoras y materiales

Aparato automático productor de botellas A-1000

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


For the manufacture of ÏÝÒ-åìêîñòåé volume from 0, 33 to 2 litres by the method of two-step blow.

Descripción completa de la marca:

The automatic machine consists of loader, heating system, manipulator of seizure and transfer preforms and power-plant.
the automatic machine is equipped with the electronic control panel with controller key companies of manufacturer.
the technical characteristics:
1. Automatic machine capacity (for capacities 1, 5 l), øò/÷àñ. 1200;
2. Pressure of preliminary blow to, MPa. 1, 6;
3. Pressure of main blow to, MPa. 2, 5-3, 0;
4. Pilot pressure to MPa. 1, 0;
5. Air consumption, ìèí^3/ìèí. 0, 6;
6. Water expenditure, ì^3/ìèí. 0, 8;
7. Temperature of water cooling, degree. S. 10-12;
8. Number of heating elements. 20;
9. Supply voltage, V.. 220;
10. Power consumption, kilowatt. 5, 5;
11. Set mass, kg. 800;
12. Overall dimensions:
length, MM. 4820;
width, MM. 2370;
height, MM. 2200;
13. Maintenance staff, human being. 1.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por itm