Aclaración/resumen:For grounding cut off from power sources of conductor in circuits
alternate current by the frequency 50-60 Hz on voltage 35 kW
Descripción completa de la marca:On construction _ hewn type.
the earthing rod pole consists of ground, fixed contact and ïîäâèæ
Noy earthing knives.
the fixed contact consists of copper contact, which fixes
Sue to aluminium contact, varnished by the copper. The transfer rotatory
ãî of a drive from drive on earthing rod shaft is embraced by way of
levers, fixed on the line and earthing rod, joined by the draught from
pipe and support pole, excluding the appearing of circular currents in C language
ñòåìå of draught.
the gyration transfer from earthing rod shaft to shaft further on
earthing rod ëþñà is carried out by the draught out of the chimney and the insulation liners,
excluding the appearing of circulating currents in basic shaft system, ñâÿçûâàþù
their earthing rods of various phases.
when mounting the earthing rods are connected in three the pole apparata,
controlled one hand gear.
to the operation in closed conductors with ýêðàíèðî
bath phases at ambient temperature not higher than +40°Ñ are intended for and not neither
and _ 40°Ñ. In case of isolated position of earthing rod shall be allowed òåìïåðàòó
r not higher than + 90°Ñ. the altitude above sea level not more 1000 M.. Êëèìàòè÷åñ
CFU execution and category of Ó3 allocation or Ò3.
technical characteristics
nominal voltage, apartment. 35
maximum operating voltage, apartment. 40, 5
electrodynamic stability, K.. 235
thermal stability, K. 90
time of current flow
thermal stability, S.. 1
mass, kg. 35
overall dimensions, MM
(length, width, height). 595õ500õ570 |