Aclaración/resumen:Heat. Differential. For signaling in the form of òåðìîýëåêòðîäâè
æóùåé force in case of discontinuous variation of environment temperature.
works complete with bloc executive of ÁÏÈ-1.
Descripción completa de la marca:Represents òåðìîáàòàðåþ, consisting of õðîìåëüêîïåëåâûõ thermo
para, series-connected.
informer voltage, measured on bear load (4+/-0, 32) Omagh, in case of ñêà÷ê
îîáðàçíîì èçìåíåíèèè of environment temperature on plus 100 ãðàäóñî
in celsius in conditions of natural convection of air no less than 36 microwave
during not more 7 S..
parameters of flameproof chain:
- permissible short-circuit current - not more 10 mitotic activities;
- íàïðÿæåíèêå of run idle - not more 0, 4 in,
- maximally permissible value of capacity - not more 0, 001 microF,
- maximum allowable inductance çàí÷åíèå - not more 10 ìÃí,
- maximum allowable resistance çàí÷åíèå - not more 2 Omagh.
permissible informer inertia - 15-60 with case of stepness rate
temperature 30 degrees per minute.
the informer keeps the capacity to work:
a) after staying at ambient temperature:
(350+/-10) degree Celsiuses for 15 minute,
( 590+/-10) degree Celsiuses not more 1 mine;
b) by vibration loads with frequency 5-80 Hz and óñêîðåíè
EM 20 ì/ñ. KW;
ñ) in case of reduced temperature 5 degree Celsiuses and after staying
NOP at a temperature of - 50 degree Celsiuses;
d) as elevated temperature 50 degree Celsiuses and after ïðåáûâà
Nia NOP in case of òåìïåðòóðå +65 degree Celsiuses;
e) in case of reduced atmosphere pressure 460 MM of mercury column;
f) after effect of relative humidity 98% at a temperature of +35
degree Celsiuses.
electric resistance of insulation of informer at a temperature of îêðóæà
þùåé environment (25+/-10) degree Celsiuses and relative humidity to
(65+/-15) % - no less than 20 M.
the electric insulation of informer withstands during 1 minute of äåéñò
âèå of test voltage 550 in frequency 50 cycles at a temperature of design and development activity
æàþùåé environment (25+/-10) degree Celsiuses and îòíîñòèåëüíîé moisture
to (65+/-15) %.
overall dimensions - not more 120õ110, 5õ148 MM.
mass - not more 0, 350 kg. |