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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Artículos y maquinaria electrotécnica y de cables

Sensor térmico avisador TD-1.80

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


For use as a maximal fire detector in sys subject of fire signalling, as well as in the system of heat automatics in to ÷åñòâå of executive element of safety interlock or signalling apparatus.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Is issued from some para of íîðìàëüíîçàìêíóòûõ contacts, opening when achieving the defined value of temperature of controlled medium the operating temperature of a thermostatic switch of thermosensor is specified by the ñðàáà temperature òûâàíèÿ of sensitive element. Rated temperature êîíòðîëèðóå my environments, causing the thermosensor operation - 80 degrees on target! ñèþ. under order of consumer thermosensors, not intended of to the operation in whisker òàíîâêàõ of fire signalling, may has other temperature of ñðàáàòû of âàíèÿ. Ñðàáòûâàíèÿ time of thermosensors, used in the system automatic machine CIA in ñãðàíèÿ products of gas with temperature not higher than 150 degrees on ts ëüñèþ on more than 60 S.. junction resistance of contact circuit - not more 0, 0065 Omagh. switched-mode - 5À - 50 microwave. clearances: diameter 16, 4õ30, 4õ20 MM, mass - not more 4, 5 MM.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por itm