Aclaración/resumen:For gathering of distribution devices (boards) voltage 220
and 380 in alternate current by the frequency 50á 60 Hz and 220 in direct current
and employee to receive and distribution of electricity
Descripción completa de la marca:Overload protection and short-circuit currents.
represent the welded design from types, bent from
page, with stipulated on them by switching devices.
ÏÐÓ-95 panel are subclassified into:
- introductory,
- linear,
- section,
- ÀÒÄÏ panels,
- station of automatic switching of sections
emergency lighting,
- accumulator battery and charging devices,
- facing.
panel introductory
on panels commutation and the protective apparatus of input
with three transformers is established and visual monitors. The inputs the feedback
ùåñòâëÿþòñÿ isolating switches, interposed between automated is âûê
types ëþ÷àòåëÿìè of ÂÀ53-41 and ÂÀ53-43 and busbars.
the current transformers in these panels for serviceability of races
lie between switches and isolating switch. Panel are being completed
device of insulation check of ÓÊÑÈ. Panel provide cable and the shea butter tree
ííûå input.
panel linear
are being completed by the ÐØ34Ó3 knife switches, isolating switches, automated
switches. In panels with knife switches the knife switches on current
400 and the automatic switches on 100 are being applied and 160 A. in panels with ðàçúåäè
íèòåëÿìè are being applied isolating switches on currents 1000 and 1600 and àâòîìàòè÷åñ
the CFU switches on currents 250 but 630 but 800 but 1000 but 1600 A.
panel section
are intended for inputs sectionalization in cases when each
from sections normally receives the food from individual transformer or
input. With the help of these panels are being completed the distributing óñòðîéñ
òâà of two transformer substations. |