Aclaración/resumen:For a stamp of monochrome labels by the direct thermal method.
Descripción completa de la marca:The information of different complexity - the texts, the barcodes, the graphic representations on paper thermochemical belt or on belt with self-glueing by labels from heat-sensitive paper. the range of applicability allows to rule: may widely use in complex with PC in computer-based systems of stock-taking at industrial enterprise, finished-products stock-rooms, on wholesale and retail trade enterprises, mails. the technical characteristics: 1. Printer. Thermoprinter 2. The printing speed, ñòðîê/ñåê. | 6 3. Marks number of stamp. 18 4. Width of printing zone, not more, MM. 40 5. Marks amount, no less than, MM. 0, 8õ1, 0 6. Marks amount of barcode from the top to bottom, no less than, MM. 10 7. Web diameter, not more, MM. 80 8. Reel width: belt with self-glueing by labels, MM. 45+/-1 belt thermochemical, MM. 44, 5+/-0, 5 9. Labels amount, MM. 43õ25 10. Interface. Centronics, RS232 11. Power consumption, not more, MM. 30 12. Ãáàðèòíûå amounts, not more, MM. 207õ160õ140 13. Mass, not more, kg. 1, 5 supported barcodes types: - ÅÀN 13; EAN 8; Interleaved 2 of 5 . software: on to create labels in windows environment. |