Aclaración/resumen:Dipper capacity nominal 15 cu. m..
Descripción completa de la marca:Carrying capacity, kg. 30000
width of cut, MM. 2630
maximum penetration, MM. 300
width of bulldoser blade, MM. 5260
blade height, MM. 1830
mouldboard raising, MM. 3110
mouldboard operating depth, MM. 930
angle of dozer tilt, degree. 2, 7
motor. Â-35ÈÍÇ, diesel.
engine power, kilowatt (horse power). 276 (225)
speed transport, êì/÷. 375
fuel tank capacity, L.. 750
speed transport, êì/÷. 16
mass live, kg. 61200
overall dimensions, MM. 9000 kh 5260 kh 4734 |