Aclaración/resumen:Carrier vehicle of ÊàìÀÇ-6540 (8 kh 4). Maximal volume transported áåòîíí
mixture ouch 8, 0 cu. m..
Descripción completa de la marca:Capacity of blending drum, cu. m.. 14, 0
drive. Hydromechanical
drive horsepower, kilowatt (horse power). 55, 1 (74, 9)
rotational speed of drum, of îá/ìèí. 0-12
mixing time, minute. 15-20
loading height, MM. 3700
discharging height, MM. 2200
capacity of water tank, L.. 450
mass live, kg. 12610
mass full, kg. 27600
overall dimensions, MM. 9500 kh 2500 kh 3500 |