Aclaración/resumen:External êåðàìèòîáåòîííîé of three-layer for dwelling houses of Ï-30 series,
Ï-46, Ï-55, Ï-55ì, Ï-68, houses on wide step and skeleton constructions
(ceramic concrete in 12, 5; F50)
Descripción completa de la marca:Product / serial production
ÎÊÄÏ code: 2695455
certificate: 001. 002. 1. Av. 3. 0648
is registered in: "Ìîññòðîéñåðòèôèêàöèÿ" 21. 07. 98
certificate validity interval: with 21. 07. 98 on 21. 07. 00
standard documents: technical specification 400-1-270-89 "panel of outer walls
reinforced concrete three-layer for buildings" |