Aclaración/resumen:For longitudinal unilateral planing in the amount of through-the-thickness of planar z
àãîòîâîê (boards, square sawn timbers, boards) from wood of conifer and leaf-bearing it's times
Descripción completa de la marca:Is used in different äåðåîáðàáàòûâàþùèõ enterprises.
basis data:
greatest billet width, MM. 400
blank depth, MM. 5-200
least length of blank, MM. 300
rotational speed of knife shaft, îá/ìèí. 4775
greatest depth lifted layer, MM. 4, 5
circle diameter cuttings, MM. 128
feed speed, MM. 12
displacement of conjuctive branch pipes of exhauster funnel,
MM . 100
number of ýë/äâèãàòåëåé. 1
ýë/äâèãàòåëåé capacity, kilowatts. 7, 5
rotational speed, îá/ìèí. 3000
overall dimensions, MM. 800õ900õ1180
mass, kg. 800 |