Aclaración/resumen:For operation ïðîâäåíèÿ in dermatology, cosmetology, urology and face
÷åñêîé surgery.
Descripción completa de la marca:The apparata allows to execute such operations, as the removal íîâîîáðà
çîâàíèé (papilloma, verruca, nevuses etc. , sparing the opening àáñöåñ
owls, coagulation of surface expanded vessels on the skin (òåëåàíãèýê
òàçèè of vascular stage of ðîçàöèè), ýëåêòðîïèëÿöèþ of hair.
simple Directorate and mode selection, small weight, as well as ýëåê
òðîáåçîïàñíîñòü (the double protection) allows to èññïîëüçîâàòü the apparata in metal
äèöèíñêèõ ó÷åðåæäåíèÿõ of distinct pattern and scales ( from cosmetic workers
÷åñêèõ cabinets to operational and permanent establishments). The apparata has elapsed put
òåëüíûå clinical trials in ÖÍÈÈÊÂÈ Ì3 and MPa Russian Federation and in state
research centre of laser medicine Ì3 and ÌÏÐÔ.
main technical details:
working frequency, kHz 2640
peak output power, computer engineering 30
food, Â/Ãö 220/50
power consumption, computer engineering 80
mass, kg 1, 5
overall dimensions, MM 200 kh 200 kh 70 |