Aclaración/resumen:Household. For air disinfecting of hospital, medicinal-prophylactic,
industrial and public institutions, agriculture products depositories.
closed, irradiates the top air layers, works in the presence of people .
Descripción completa de la marca:Wall. Irradiation with the help of germicidal lamp. Action: íåïðåðûâ
humanitarian aid quantity reducing of microbes indoor of thin volume. Lower
the air layers îáåççàðàæèâàþòñÿ at the expense of convection.
radiation source:
ÄÁ-15 type
capacity, computer engineering 15
lifetime, ch 3000
bactericidal flood, computer engineering 2, 5
screened, state. 1
utilization factor
bactericidal flood - CF 0, 48
total bactericidal
lamps flood, computer engineerings 0, 25
irradiance to a distance
1 m, Âò/êâ. | M 0, 25
capacity, Cuba. ì/÷
in case of 99% disinfection 17
in case of 95% disinfection 25
power consumption, VA, not more 30
control gear type choke
power supply voltage, in 220 (+10%; - 10%)
frequency, Hz 50
average life, year 5
length, MM 510
width, MM 100
height , MM 60
mass, kg, not more 2, 5
class of protection against defeat by the electric
current according to the state standard 12. 2. 025-76 1 n type
certificate of conformance. |