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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Equipo medicinal, aparatos y accesorios

Candil quirúrgico SR-4M

País: Rusia
 Tipo de suministrador: productor  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


For illuminating of field of operation in case of surgical operations and äèàãíîñ òè÷åñêèõ research. Stationary. 6 reflectors. Illumination - 100 êëê.

Descripción completa de la marca:

Regulated amount of operating field from 100 to 250 MM, uniform ðàñïðå light division. Áåñòåíåâîé effect at the expense of application several ñâåòîîï òè÷åñêèõ elements in each bloc of illuminating. Highintensiv halogen Noy lamps of cgm 12-40 or cgm 12-40-2. Natural color reproduction, first bill of exchange light filters íåíèå . Interference reflectors, absorbing the heat, minimum heating of field of operation. The lamps switches and the controllers size of operating field are incorporated housed of blocs of illuminating. Âîçìîæí gyration spinule of consols and hinges on 320 degrees. Tacking in two antisubmarine warfare ñêîñòÿõ, vertical displacement on 620 MM. Regulated brake C language ñòåìû, built into hinges, position repeatability. Îáñëóæèâà åìîå space across 2, 8 m from central hanger. In case of height premises more than 3, 1 m is supplied additional extenders. Ñòåðèëè the çóåìûå detachable pens, the compensations durability to disinfecting. Food from Ti of alternate current 50 cycles - 220 V. connection capability of bloc ABA ðèéíîãî food of ÁÀÏ-27. Power consumption - 300 VA. intermediate date service - 7 years. Mass - 65 kg. Requirement on electrical safety on Gost 12. 2. 025-76 - 1 type V..

Condiciones de suministro:

Precios: de 16.05.2002 g. por itm Precio al por mayor: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Precio al por menor: 30200.00 RUR(RUR)