Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Cursillos, clases, consultas y servicios docentes

Cursillos de perfeccionamiento ITR T.10.02

País: Belarús
 Tipo de suministrador: ???????????  
 Información sobre el suministrador  Identificador de producción


The speciality of T. 10. 02. - "the software of information òåõíî ëîãèé. Specialization - "computer engineering and programming".

Descripción completa de la marca:

For increasing of expert qualification with highest technical îáðàçîâà Nia, connected with the development of apparatus and programming support computer. the listeners acquire hand-on experiences on draft on funds computing and microprocessor engineering in application to solution of êîíê ðåòíûõ tasks of industry. The skill improvement shall be made in accordance with admission plan, which is formed under contract with ministries, departments, enterprises and interested parties mi. The listeners challenge on skill improvement is carried out ÓÖ not on çæå, as for 5 days before the beginning of manual. At the same time of enterprise and organization in accordance with plan of its ministry (the departments) or along a straight line contract with ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses represent in ÓÖ the following documents for every the listener: - enterprise direction, signed by the head of enterprises and certified by the stamp; - dock copy cop on higher education (diploma); - copy of payment orders on opah corselet for listener education; - signed contract (in two copies) on education in ÓÖ "industry personnels". Above mentioned documents shall send on hell ÓÖ ðåñó "the industry personnels" or hand in personally, but not subsequently as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses. On inquiries living in another town listeners the comfortable hostels are given or áðîíèðóþòñÿ places in hotels. There may be the organization of nutrition. The listeners are provided education-methodics ëèòå ðàòóðîé. Mode of payment: - clearing in terms of roubles radiobiological plant at the rate of íàöèîíà ëüíîãî bank radiobiological plant or roubles Russian Federation at the rate of as of the payment day; - cash payment (under condition of submission of application for participation for 10 days before the beginning of manual). in case of appointment card for manual of two employees from one enterprise discount 10%, three and áîëåå-15% from áàçîâàé of cost of tuition (on service not races ïðîñòðàíÿåòñÿ.

Condiciones de suministro:

Precio: contractual por crs

Ruble payment of radiobiological plant or the Russian Federation. beginning businesses on prepayment fact is indicated the base the cost of tuition without additional services (without dwelling, without food).