Aclaración/resumen:Mining, processing and transportation of oil and gas, metallurgy, Coca
ñîõèìèÿ, mine and concentrator complexes, plants of technical carbon,
machine-building and instrument-making industry, chemical and paper and pulp of industry.
Descripción completa de la marca:Operating principle - electrochemistry.
business hour - continuous.
measurement ranges, ìã/ì3 on-scale ranges
for 0-50 0-100
for SO2 0-20 0-100
for Ð2S 0-20 0-100
for CI2 0-5 (Í1Â); 0-50 (Í2Â) 0-10 ( Í1Â0; 0-100 (Í2Â)
limit permissible main. Ñâõ - concentration
inaccuracy, ìã/ì3: measured the component
for =+- (1+0, 08õÑâõ)
for SO2 =+- (1+0, 15õÑâõ)
for H2S =+-0, 75
=+- ( 0, 2+0, 19õÑâõ) for plot 0 - 3
for CI2 =+- (0, 1+0, 15õÑâõ) for plot 3 - 20
=+- (2+0, 15õÑâõ) for range 0 - 5
for range 0 - 50
heating-up time, mine, not more 30
step response time, 60 for, Í2S, ÑÎ2
with, not more 90 äëÿCI2
functioning level ñèãíàëè-
çàöèè, ìã/ì3 on CI2 1+-0, 2 for range 0-5
20+-0, 5 - "- 0-50
on H2S 3+-0, 5
on H2S, SO2 10+-0, 5
lifetime, year, no less than 8
for sensors 1, 5 substitutions under order |