Aclaración/resumen:For continuous automatic measurement and control of content of äâóî
nitrogen êèñè in gas blow-outs of industrial enterprises and transport,
for technological process inspection.
Descripción completa de la marca:Operating principle - optical-absorption.
method of sampling - compulsory.
measurement ranges, ppm 0-100 and 0-200
0-500 and 0-1000
0-1000 and 0-2000
0-2500 and 0-5000
limit permissible of basic error, ððm
+-20 and +-30 for 0-100 and 0-200
+-75 and +-150 for 0-500 and 0-1000
+-150 and +-300 for 0-1000 and 0-2000
+-375 and +-750 for 0-2500 and 0-5000
expenditure of gas mixture, ë/ìèí 1 (+0, 5 - 0, 3)
settling time of signal, with, not more 30+-6
heating-up time, mine, not more 180
environment temperature, hail With 5-+45
electric power supply, in 220
unified the output signal 0-10Â or 0-5 mitotic activity
lifetime, year, no less than 8
power consumption, VA, not more 50
overall dimensions, MM, not more 445õ486õ142 for desk-top
445õ520õ132 for rackmountable
mass, kg, not more 15 |