Aclaración/resumen:For determination during shift and accumulation information on êîíöåíòðà
methane öèè in the atmosphere of coals mine.
Descripción completa de la marca:Operating principle - thermochemical, òåðìîêîíäóêöèîííûé.
method of sampling - diffusional.
measurement range, % on. 0-2, 5; 5 - 100
absolute error, % on. +-0, 2 for range 0 - 2, 5
standard threshold setting, ppm:
threshold one-to-one thresholds
threshold 2 regulated
heating-up time, mine, not more 3
working time without charging, ch,
no less than 10
response time of signalling, with,
not more 20
environment temperature,
Celsius degree 5 - 35
relative humidity, % to 98
overall dimensions, MM, not more 130õ70õ42
mass, kg, not more 0, 4
lifetime, Year, no less than 8
relative error, %
not more +-10 for range 5 - 100 |