Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Nauchnoe konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoe AO "FAZA"
Nauchnoe konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoe AO "FAZA"

Datos adicionales

    The multidisciplinary enterprise, works out and produces generating and at
the ñèëèòåëüíûå microwave devices, decoupling the ferrite ýëåìåí-òû of superhigh frequence, the liability
Noy microwave devices for radio communication, systems of satellite èêàáåëüíîãî tels
åâèäåíèÿ, radiotelephone communication, as well as the ozonizers ïðîìûø-ëåííîãî and áûòî
âîãî application, the ultrasonic ËÎÐ-àïïàðàòû etc..