Sistema federal de información sobre mercancías y servicios (al inicio)
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Sistema federativo sobre mercancías y servicios

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Lakokrasochny zavod "Kronos-SPb", OAO
Lakokrasochny zavod "Kronos-SPb", OAO

Esfera de actividad

    The development and production of wide range of lacquer-dye and ñîïóò
ñòâóþùèõ materials of industrial, building and household íàçíà ÷åíèÿ. Delivery of materials for colour of rolling stock and èíôðàñòðóê
tours of rail ïðåäðèÿòèé; metallurgical, machine-building,
oil and gas extracting enterprises etc..