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Packing, packing equipment and materials

Film polymer PVH/PE

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Multilayer, laminated. For hard packing in different combinations and preservation of fresh foodstuffs (meat, fish, vegetable, cheeses, nuts).

Detailed model description:

Provides the keeping away from penetration of water vapor, oxygen, light, from moisture loss, aroma, as well as physical damages of product.
the film is intended for the manufacture of unit package on marks kinds of packaging equipment and automated òåðìîôàñîâî÷íûõ lines of type of Dixie, Tiromat, Hajek, Multiwak, Ulma, working with hard or soft lower film.
the film ëàìèíèðîâàíà æèðîñòîéêèì polyethylene, is intended for the manufacture of flexible packaging and type packages of Äîé-Ïàê.
the film are produced in the form of cloth, coiled in rouleau on back by the inside pressure by the diameter 76 MM.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg