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Check-out and adjusting instrumentation, transducers

_________ pressure TDM4-IV2

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For determination of excess pressure and rarefaction of gas non-aggressive environments.

Detailed model description:

The pressure Òåíçîìîäóëè of ÒÄÌ2-ÈÂ1, ÒÄÌ2-ÈÂ2, ÒÄÌ4-ÈÂ1 and ÒÄÌ4-ÈÂ2 are provided to measure excess pressure and rarefactions of gas non-aggressive environments. The module consists of siliceous sensitive element, hermetically connected to metallic base, in which the around a circle âïàÿíû glass-and-metal electrical leads. On periphery on top with ground hermetically are connected lid. On the part of conclusion the toilet servicing point of òåíçîìîäóëÿ joining to volume with measured pressure.

the technical characteristics
the range of measured pressures, MPa hermetically âïàÿí (shall be allowed twofold reloading)
. 0, 01. 0, 04
nominal output signal, microwave. 30. 70
non-linearity of output signal, %. < 0, 3
supply voltage, V.. 5 +/-0, 25
initial unbalance of bridge, of ìÂ/Â. < 3
category temperature range, S. From - 50 to +85
temperature maintenance of sensibility, %/10 S.. < 0, 3
temperature error of nil, %/10 S.. < 0, 3

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 11.05.2004 г. за itm Wholesale price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 560.00 RUR(RUR)