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Chemical products, materials and reagents

potassium chloride 98% Tipichney analiz

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingTipichney analiz
IAU. share of chloride potassium, %, in term of Ê2Î  98, 3; 62, 09
mass fraction of water not more, %  0, 2
mass fraction of sodium chloride, %, not more  1, 5
mass fraction of reservation ion, %, not more  0, 086
mass fraction of ìàãíèé-èîíà, %, not more  0, 02
mass fraction of sulphate-ions, % not more  0, 019
mass fraction of iron, %íå more than  0, 0014
mass fraction of lead, %  2, 0x10-4
mass fraction of mercury, %  0, 004x10-4
mass fraction of arsenic, %  0, 03x10-4
mass fraction of amines, ã/ò  absence
mass fraction of insoluble in water of residue, % 0, 03

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg

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