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Chemical products, materials and reagents

fluid cutting Akvahon (koncentrat)

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Synthetic. For diamond-abrasive processing, operations of finish and superfinishing quenched and stainless steels.

Detailed model description:

Products of similar purpose: Ñèíõî 6, Ñóâàð 3Ì, ÎÑÌ-1, ÎÑÌ-2Ê, êåðîñèíî-ìàñëÿíûå mixture.
composition: composition on the basis of glycol and corrosion inhibitors.
exterior appearance: fluid from hazelly to deep-brown colour.
hydrogen index (pH) 1% water solution. 10, 0-11, 0
packaging: 200ë steel or 250 L. polymer barrel.
application condition:
recommended concentrations of worker solution 0, 5-1%

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per l