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Building materials, structures, buildings and installations

Mixture tile SPS

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Dry. For facing of daubed concrete and brick walls by the tiled and ceramic tile. For interior decoration of dwelling and public building.

Detailed model description:

Represents the adhesion mixture, consisting of cement, fractional grit, chemical agent, possesses by the high adhesion and high strength. The material is product economic, advantageous and easy-to-use.
the technical characteristics:
compression strength, MPa. 15
colour. Gray
solution viability, no less than, part. 2
correction time of pallet provision about, minute. 10
seams rubbing through, part. 24
adhesion size of filling agent no less than, MPa. 1, 0
maximum size of filling agent to, MM. 0, 5
is constructed of economically clean raw material. The dry mixture has hygienic certificate.
the surface preparation
the ground is to be dry, dust-free, dirt, solution clots, old plaster, residues of ìàñëÿííîé and emulsion paint.
the way of application
the dry mixture to sling in the pure water, permanently stirring slowly to receipt of homogeneous mass. Ratio of case of mixing: by 1 kg. dry ñìåñè-0, 16-0, 18 L.. Water, by 1 sack of dry mixture by the weight 25 kg. - 4, 0-4, 5 l of water. The composition serves for use through 5 minutes. The mixture to rule toothed staple in one direction.
the material consumption
on average disburses 7-8 the kg. dry mixture by 1 apartment of M. in case of layer thickness 5-7 MM.
the storage
keeps dry, in fast shut the sacks, exclude moisture hits. Storage life in closed sacks 6 months.
paper bags on 12 kg. 25 kg.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg