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Building materials, structures, buildings and installations

House cottage "Sietl"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Warming. 146 apartment of M.. Walling material of ground-floor - batter wood.

Detailed model description:

Basement. Tape, monolithic, ìàëîçàãëóáëåííûé. crib (1 floor). Walls from batter 150 MM. Partition wall from batter 100 MM veranda. Wireframe, íåóòåïëåííàÿ. The external battening åñòåñòâåí the Noy of moisture. Interior cladding of walls, overall limitation and partition walls by the batten under "Euro standard". attic-room. Wireframe, warming (type warmer "èçîâåð" depth 50 MM). External battening of natural moisture content. Internal îáøè aerospace plane of walls, overall limitation and partition walls by the batten under "Euro standard". roof. Slate window. Double glazing the according to the state standard door. Paneled sex. Double, warming from floor board 36-38ìì. (type warmer "èçîâåð" depth 50ìì).

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 20.02.2002 г. за itm Wholesale price: 0.00 USD(USD)
Retail price: 25600.00 USD(USD)

In value the materials, their delivery (to 100 km from ÌÊÀÄ) and the assembling are included.