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Parts and components for electronics

Oscilator crystal GK21-TK

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Thermocompensated. Clearances 30õ20õ10, 5 MM. Frequency range 2-30 mHz.

Detailed model description:

Specifications frequency range, mHz 2. 30 operating temperature range, degree. With minus 60 +85 temperature frequency instability, 10-6 (from nominal value) +/-5 output load voltage, in 2-10 mHz, impulse ravine. 1, no less than 3. 0Â ravine. 0, not more 0. 4Â integrated micro circuit 1533 10-30 mHz, sinusoidal 150 microwave, 1 lump supply voltage, in 12+/-5%; consumption current, mitotic activity 12 (frequency > 10 mHz) 7, 3 ( frequency < 8 mHz)

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm