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Intrusion protection and fire-control systems, equipment, si

reader electronic PR-13M

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For access restriction of occasional visitors indoors with connection capability of PC on RS-232.

Detailed model description:

The readers of keys and cards, key rings, counters, pellets, in coincidence with controller of electromagnet and electro-mechanical locks.
the keys, according to which is allowed the access, are registered in electrically alterable read-only memory of reader and PC, the decision about customer allowance shall be taken by the device is autonomous or operator on PC.
the reader has light and the audio signalling of access acknowledgement and refusal.
the device can govern electro-mechanical locks and latches, electromagnetic release units and directly holding magnets, òóðíèêåòàìè.
the food from stabilized supply apparatus by the voltage +12 in:
- from power supply unit +12 V.
- from bloc of trouble-proof power supply 12 V.
consumption current to 70 mitotic activities without considering of current of electromagnetic release unit.
main technical details
autonomous reader for keys of ÒÊ-13Ì and cards. Àíòèâàíäàëüíàÿ panel with special fixing.

technical data.
1. Overall dimensions 136õ80õ30
2. Working frequency, mHz 13, 56
3. Keys number, states to 2000 4. Supply voltage, stabilized, in 10. 15
5. Consumption current, mitotic activity to 70
6. Distance of reliable reading of key ÒÊ-13Ì, cm 1, 5-3 7. Ðàññ. at which the readers shall not create mutual interferences, the cm to 10

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm