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Auto-, Tractor Engineering and Equipment

trailer tourist PT 813310

Country: Belarus
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For comfortable travel and rest of two person.

Detailed model description:

Technical characteristics:
clearance, MM. 190
total mass, kg. 1300
live mass. 780
overall dimensions, MM:
length. 5350
width. 2200
height. 2550
internal dimensions, MM:
length. 3750
width. 2105
height. 1950
clearances of double berth, MM. 1945õ2100
kitchen bloc. Gas cooker, washing, refrigerator
toilet room. Áèîòóàëåò, wash-stand, shower-bath baseplate
gas heater. 3, 5 kilowatts
tyre. Pneumatic, R14

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm