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Auto-, Tractor Engineering and Equipment

Potentiometer adjustment PR

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For engine control system of motor cars ìàðêèÂÀÇ in kutch Hyperfine interaction of consistency controller of carbon oxide (with) in exhaust emissions.

Detailed model description:

- category temperature range - 40 /-125 degree. With - dispersion capacity, watt - not more than 0, 125 - transport space station, 1/ãðàä. With - /-100*10 in ñòåï. - 6 - functioning up to failure, h - no less than 6400 - durability, cycles - no less than 200 The sensor should be posts to influence of mechanical factors: - frequency range, Hz - 50-2000 - acceleration amplitude, ì/ñ in êâàäð. (q) - 50 (5) Mechanical shock of multiple action: - shock acceleration peak value, ì/ñ in êâàäð. (q) - 250 (25)

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 20.04.2007 г. за itm Wholesale price: 19.70 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)