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Medical apparatus, equipment and accessory

Instrument therapeutic UZOR ALT "Uzor-2K-VLOK"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingALT "Uzor-2K-VLOK"
Body form  Planar
channels number of  2+1
emission wavelength, micrometre (in case of 0, 64 N=5 computer engineering)  0, 89+0, 64
production type  Ìåëêî-ñåðèéíîå
registrant of radiation power (built-in)  Èçìåðèòåëü-ôîòîìåòð
overall dimensions, MM  315õ300õ90
apparata mass ( without tare), kg  5
application in treating  Âíóòðåâåííî, íàðóæíî
needle size in case of ÂËÎÊ  0, 8
apparata completing (optional)  transfer. light-emitting diodes
laser irradiation parameter  UTI. continuous
possible tare for transfer  the Case
following frequency of packs, Hz  there is no
packs form  -
laser pulse width, ground station  260
application in extreme medicine are being applied

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

Annotation, brand detailed description, all modifications