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medical products

Complex vitamin-mineral "Zdorovye nacii"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Normalizes the metabolism in the skin cells, activates the èìóííóþ system, prevents the wrinkles appearing, the dehulling, óãðåâóþ eruption. Àíòèîêñèäàíòí àÿ activity.

Detailed model description:

Is intended for deficit making up for absolutely all of biologically àêòè âíûõ components of food, about which it is known that them significantly not grasp ET in diet of modern ðîññèÿíèíà. In the composition of is included 12 vitamins and 7 mineral substances at rates of, corresponding 20-35% daily allowance on òðåáíîñòè. indication for use: - making up for starvation of vitamin and mineral substances in case of íåñáàëàíñ èðîâàííîì diet - during disease and in convalescence _ for persons, residing in ecologically unfavourable region - in case of strenuous exercises and in the period of growth and development of organic àíèçìà - in case of intensive businesses by the mental labour - suppression of progeria of organism

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 07.09.2001 г. за itm Wholesale price: 52.20 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)

Covered 60 state. Prepayment. Price from April 1 2001. With ó÷å that VAT (20%). Discounts: above 3600 pellets - 5%; 18000 - 10% ; 60000 - 15%. Retail: there may be the delivery by post with put Noy payment; on Moscow is free home delivery.