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Measuring instruments and gaging equipment

Heat Meter electronic Z-2000/2

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For determination and commercial accounting heat- water consumption in closed and open systems heat- and water supply at enterprises of ÆÊÕ, energies and industry.

Detailed model description:

- automatic measurement of volumetric discharge, temperatures and pressures of coolant in feeding and return pipelines, as well as volumetric discharge of feeding (for systems, plugged on independent scheme)
- counting off of calendar date and astronomical time
- calculation of mass ðàñõîäàòåïëîíîñèòåëÿ in feeding and return pipelines, mass flow of feeding, consumption of heat energies, lifelength time of heat meter
- diagnostics of equipment state of station of control and network of heat supply
- magazining in non-volatile memory of integral values of physical parameters
- indication of èõìåðÿåìûõ, computed by and status parameters on built-in of öèôðî-áóêâåííîì ÆÊÈ-èíäèêàòîðå
- printing on printer or the transfer in PC current, hourly and per diem information on parameters heat- and water consumption

the information is mapped into physical units on built-in ÆÊÈ-èíäèêàòîðå lighted.

the information, deduced on stamp shows up as of daily allowance summaries and periodical reports. For controlling is possible the printer output current parameters statements.

in the composition of heat meter are included:
- calculator general-purpose ÂÓ-2000, is issued on technical specification ÃÀÂË. 51. 0000. Technical specification
- thermal resistances set of type of Pt-500 (100, 1000), selected in vapor (three)
- from one to five flow indicators, specified in lower:
ÂÑÒ: 13733-96 (here and further - number in Ãîñðååñòðå)
Ãèäðî-Ôëîó: 16849-97
ETWI (ETH1): 13667-96
MTWI (MTH1): 13668-96
WPWI (WPHWI): 13669-96
WSWI: 13679-96
WPD: 15820-96
HMW: 16185-96
ÂÝÏÑ-Ò (and ): 16766-97
ÈÏÐÝ-1, ÈÏÐÝ-1Ì: 13867-94
and other

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 30.04.2004 г. за itm Wholesale price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 8100.00 RUR(RUR)