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Zustellung des Paketes Special Express

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

The parcel is forwarded to addressee in possibly brief terms.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

The courier takes back and carries to parcel, including in beforehand specified off-duty time. - the personalized delivery "door to door"; - customs registration, both in country of consignment, and in the country sex ÷åíèÿ; - the information about departure shall be sent addressee beforehand; - delivery receipt of departure; - the departure if the client wish free ñòðàõóåòñÿ to the amount of to 2500 dollar. U. S. A.; - there may be the dispatch of dangerous cargoes.

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für -

Maximum weight of departure - unrestricted. upper limits - unrestricted.