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Lacke, Farben, Kleber, Leime

Fassadenfarbe _________ AK-124 "Kronos"

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For external and internal (except escapes) colours of concrete, p íîáåòîííûõ, daubed, stone, brick etc. surfaces in all climatic zones.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Suspension of pigment, filling agents and purpose additions in solution àêðèëî âîãî binding agent. Way of application: the surface to clean up from dust, from ñëîèâøåéñÿ dye, unevenness and crack to çàøïàòëåâàòü, the dye of other type remove completely. To rule on refined and the dry surface in case of air temperature from minus 20 to plus 40 Celsius degrees in 2 layers. For primer to dilute white spirit or nephras to 10% mass. Time drying not more 16 ch at temperature of about 20 degrees S. for âòîðî layer ãî - initial viscosity or dilution to 5% mass. Âûñûõà time Nia not more 24 hrs.. Certificate of Ãîññàíýïèäíàäçîðà. | fineness of grind, micrometre, not more 70 funnel viscosity, with, no less than 40 mass fraction of low-volatile matters, %, no less than 69 drying time to the extent 3 in case of 20 degree. With, ch, not more 2 average consumption of dye in case of two-layer compensation, according to surface type, ã/êâ. | M 300-500 lifetime of compensation, year, no less than 10 guarantee storage life, months. 12

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
1 B
2 S
3 R